
Outer beauty is a magnet

That attracts hollow iron fragment,

It is a perfect appearance for outer world

Your features, your dress and the hair curled..

The beauty that the world sees is illusion

But we being humans are afraid of their conclusion,

It's high time to redefine beauty

Flaunting the flaws and facing the reality,

Embracing the real emotions

Makes you forget all the lotions..

It is the outward that distracts

And the inward that attracts,

Love, care, helpfulness, sympathy, positivity

Helps us get release from the captivity..

You are a diamond shining

A precious metal that is hard to find even after a great mining,

Coz you were not readily available

It was the pressure of good vibes that made you unbreakable..

Just don't brag about your outer look

Which is not self cook,

How can you be so sure of your sublime

When you have seen only your reflection whole time?


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