"The touch of heaven
Deeper than the oceans seven,
Deeper than the oceans seven,
Is a relation cooked in bonded oven
Making the life musical with cords eleven"
The words Mother, Mom, Maa, Mommy, Mamma, are not just nouns but feelings. For the first time I am feeling like I am out of words despite of the fact that I have too much to describe about. My words are falling apart and my feelings are magnified.
I have no idea where to start from. But let's jump into moments of love from our infancy, to childhood, to teenagers, to adults, to finally the aged.
The first cell of your being, the happiness that drives your parents crazy, all the care that she is taking sacrificing her appearance, the moment of pain, emotions, joy and finally you being born, in arms of your mom, sleeping to the music of her heartbeat, the joy when she hears you speak "mom", the first walk, all the lovey-dovey moments, first day of school, her delicious tiffin that helps you make new friends, the activities where she is putting her best for your upliftment, the teenage tantrums, small fights, difference of opinions but still standing there for you, protecting you, the college life, missing the homemade food, missing her, job stress but one voice that brings peace, the life of adult, life partner search, marriage, children, their uplifting with mom always on your side helping, her 'nuskas' that always work, the same cycle repeating again with almost the whole world in it, the magic of her being- you remember, afraid at the thought of loosing her someday, you decide to love her till the very end, give your time, make her proud, be with her forever.
It is said that God couldn't reach every doorstep so he created mom. Never fail her. Be with her always. Make her feel loved & special as she is. Shower her with all the proud and respect.
Whatever you have read is 1% of what I can express about her. Any combination of 26 alphabet can't describe this 3 letter word. Hope you have a beautiful mother's day. Make sure to make it special!
"Eternal love that binds us with her,
Never forget her sacrifices even after the last whispers"
Never forget her sacrifices even after the last whispers"
Truely said in Gujarati, "Maa te Maa bija badha vagda na vaa"