Edu(oc)cational Understanding

"Education is not a learning process
It is an understanding access"

 In modern world education is the food we require to survive. But is this stale concept of education able to fulfill healthy needs of life? While having a look into today's educational system we find that it is not about actual educational understanding but occasional understanding. What we are learning in schools is never an answer to a real life question. 

Schools today are transforming children into currency printing machines! Education was meant to transform a child into well organised human but instead it is promoting children to live life of material pleasure making them insensitive to the world. The situation is the children who are going to school don't want to learn while on other side there are a few children who wants to study but due to some circumstances they can't. 

Children should be given the information with a motive of it's implementation in real life, which would contribute in his/her development, the one which would help them stand free. Don't tell them what to think tell them how to think & when to implement. Provide them the gift of understanding & not learning. 

Swami Vivekanand quoted, "You only need to mix the chemicals, crystallization is in the nature itself." Children should not be forced to think in a particular direction but should be helped to develop multi-directional thoughts.

Education is when you are able to present yourself to others, when you are independent, when  you are sensible to the society, when you can evaluate what is true & false, when you have the ability to think in your own way and when you have the capability of reasoning & control over speech. 

"Education is the pre training camp for climbing the mountain of life"



  1. Education is about creating a well formed mind
    Not well filled mind
    So focus on forming it not on filling it.

  2. Yes, It seems that present education system is occasional understanding system.. very nice..πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  3. Well said....πŸ™✌ Learning is not the basic objective of education..... understanding is!!!!Today every single child gradually emerging as a student doesn't know the real objective of education and thus gets mislead by making education a marks oriented process....Well said buddy....πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œyouth do need such 'mind opener' posts....please post soon..


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