The Comeback

"Failure strikes everyone
But brave are those who intend to play with fire even after the burn!"

Failure, pain, grief are all part of life that serve the purpose of making us brave subjugating destructive, terrible situations.
They aren't just undesirable but also shattering. But one can't even deny the magnified strength that comes along. You become more mature, more confident and more of yourself.

Hard times come and go. But what matters is how you suffer like hell, give a magnificent fight yet come out of it and bring a new ray of light. It's always the comeback. Make sure it is a grand one.

Some of these experiences teaches us precious lessons which enlightens us about our real selves. Once you have gone through tough times you find your real strength that was hidden in a corner of your mind. And now is the time to come out as pristine being having all the experiences to move on.

Make sure to give your best when you are again in the race. It's all about how you overcome the tragedies of life and comeback as an altered, more competitive and wiser person. Life will hit you hard right in the face but it's when you conquer your misery, you get your best revenge!

Life is beautiful, but what makes it fun, are these challenges which we accept, process, conquer and comeback as a superhero of our own! Believe in yourself, you may be a victim now but will be victorious soon..

"It blew my universe,
Tough as rock strong as curse..
But I am no looser;
I will comeback & be my own film's producer!!"


  1. As amazing as always๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  2. Giving up is the only sure way to fail.


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