Mother tongue

"Where languages are used to communicate

Mother tongue is used to connect straight"

Humans are so connected with the word mother that they never fail to love her in any form. May it be mother, motherland or mother tongue the respect remains intact. 

The feeling of warmth, emotional fulfillment, love, care are so associated with Mother that they can't be separated in worst nightmares. The 2 of mothers are loved till grave but the last one is mostly ignored. Yes, mother tongue. 

Even though we know its importance we tend to forget. We all know that our thoughts are processed in mother tongue and communication through it gives feeling of oneness, then what makes us forget its importance? 

Your mother, motherland and mother tongue are all your prides. Embrace them. Never feel ashamed of your roots. Change is the rule of nature. We must adapt to it. We must follow the trend but forgetting the start will never lead you to end. Whichever language is accepted by world, learn it. But never forget to show off what you have got- what culture, what language, what land, what uniqueness you possess. It all lies in the roots. 

Language is just a medium of communication where you are free to choose yours (unless the other person understands). Never get too caught up in race where any language is held superior. It is purely your choice to whichever source you find connected to. Just don't only water the trunk or leaves, water the roots too! 

"Language is the key to communication

Not fashion"


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