Expect Less Experience More

"Stick to Success, Focus on Core;
Expect Less Experience More.. "

Expectation is something that has multiple sides. It is not appropriate to stick to any conclusion in regards to such forecast that fluctuates anytime. We always expect to gain more & more. But remember that you have the right to expect high only if your labor in achieving the same is immense. 

Expecting to gain something without hard work is purely a wish.. which will probably lead to disappointment. When you aim high & dedicate yourself to your goal your victory becomes certain. However there are some external factors that are also responsible for happiness or grief in one's life but that's what experiences are all about. 

Experience is a gift that helps you enhance your life & develop perspectives. It is said that experience holds highest position in decision making and overcoming all life's  difficulties. Every experience has something new to learn. Grow through these life lessons and come out as an altered being. 

Experience is a teacher who teaches on practical basis. Something that is learnt here, something that is implemented here. Experience is a treasure that contains different life elements. Stay open to every tiny experiences & there opens a door for change. 

Keep your goals high but expect less,  learn through experiences and let free every drop of water from your body in form of sweat. 

"Experience is a gift
Unwrap it in a way that you lit"


  1. Ek mota manas ee ek var kahayu hatu ke badam khava thi jetli buddhi na aave eetli buddhi thokar khava thi aavae

    Ane lage che ke ee mota manas amara class ma j che

    1. Glad to know that my words are remembered.

  2. Indeed experience is helpful in taking wise decisions..👍🏻

    1. Yes..As experience is a mixture of good and bad times,it is a key to sensible decisions.


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