
Showing posts from January, 2019

Once In A Blue Moon

"Work and Willingness results into Boon But are found together Once In A Blue Moon" Burden we call the works which are mandatory to be done without our interest. The tadka of willingness when added to an effort results into a tastier recipe. We human beings often do the works we like and thus feel frustrated when a boring work cuts the way.  Compelling someone to do a work which he/she doesn't desire won't give fruitful outcomes. Either you will need to tempt the person or force or adjust with the output. There are chances that the person will do the contradict if compelled much as 'forbidden fruit is always sweeter.'  But when you know the boring work assigned to you is beneficial to you somehow then it's the opportunity you need to grab. But it's absolutely your call how to do it. Do the work but in a way that is satisfactory to your mind. And that's when work and willingness will join hands motivating you to complete the de...

Comma (,)

"Unaware of our strength we declared it a full stop Ignoring the comma we assumed it as the last stop " Humans face lots of difficulties in day to day life. Some are able to overpower happiness over troubles while some are not. It's important how you look at things. Change the dimension of your thinking so that you can look through a situation & find the invisible.  Troubles will follow you like shadows but also they are shortest when sun is above our heads. Be self illuminating and problems will face problems to problem you! While at night the shadows are invisible it is more difficult to locate them. Similarly there are some problems we can't see coming & thus it's hard to overcome them but if you 'will' you will.  Any problem will come your way only when you have the capability to solve it. But the problem is we underestimate our strengths. When you consider your nest only as the global market,  how will you be able to...

Piece Of Paper

"Piece of paper you call Unaware of it's importance overall" Paper word is usually referred to blank pages; we never refer money as paper or Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association (basic company documents) as paper. In fact the papers of book are referred as pages. Then why are there different names for all these when they originally are paper ? Why do you need money only to trade & not any random paper?  I guess I have the answer. This is because the identity of paper changes according to its content, importance & authority. Money is an authorized medium of exchange and hence no other paper can be used for trading.  As paper is uniquely identified by it's distinguished characteristics similarly we, who are all basically humans are identified by their respective talents and capabilities. Give your 'human' an identified name with which you can attain fame & odd out different from others.  Build your u...

Be You

"Influence of others is overpowering But don't forget to follow your inner being,        Making yourself freestanding To achieve the outstanding" Life today is less about being oneself & more about following others. We are highly influenced with our surroundings making our own thoughts & opinions diluted,  leaving our creativity to die. Our life choices are what we are comfortable with. But still we try & follow others we admire even if it portrays what we really aren't. This hides the real identity of the person & is assumed to be a totally different being. In life, to succeed it is essential to be who you are and how you do things. You don't need to copy others, their lifestyles, their looks, their preferences. Instead create your own. Do something in life that others follow you (and I don't mean followers on social media#)  Do something different and make your own identity. And when you portray yourself to others,...